Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm going to try a raw detox

Since the retreat I have been eating very clean and have really focused on improvements I need to make to kick up my eating and health up a notch.

I came across this website and I signed up...why?

why not?

I met Lisa, a new T-Tapp trainer, at the retreat this year and she was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. She went high raw and she looks and feels fabulous.

She has inspired me to try eating raw for a little while. It can't be too difficult for me since I already eat two meals a day raw. I think the extra focus will help me clear out the coffee I let sneak back into my life.

Tommorrow is day 1 of the 5 day prep BEFORE the detox. I'm thinking that this weekend will be a good time to drop my daily coffee and deal with any headaches.

This is exciting!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm enjoying my recent exercise buddy

This week my youngest son announced that he was going to exercise daily - run, pushups and sit ups.

On Monday I casually asked him if he wanted to join me as I did T-Tapp. Imagine my surprise when he said yes. This from the guy who 5 years ago told me that T-Tapp was the worst thing that ever happened in his life...I wanted them to workout for me one my birthday one lasted more than two weeks..he quit after a week.

Tuesday and Wednesday he joined me again. Today he made very healthy choices for dinner. I'm impressed.

I know I shouldn't get my hopes up high but I'm enjoying the company and the funky handshake, high five, finger wiggle combo we ended our workout with today.

How do you encourage your kids to increase their physical activity other than what they do at school?

Monday, October 18, 2010

T-Tapp Retreat

This year was my fifth retreat in a row. One retreat and I was hooked.

I love the atmosphere, the friends I've made over the years and of course getting my butt kicked and learning new things.

This was my first year at a retreat at a trainer too. Last year I certified near the end of the retreat/certification combo. It was very nice to be completely relaxed.

I learned lots of new things and the retreat gave me the motivation to push towards my final goal as mentioned a few posts down. On a side note I've eaten very clean since Thursday...skipped junk at the amusement park, skipped ice cream when celebrating a late Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and family and skipped chocolate too!

Casey is recapping all the retreat days one by one so no use reinventing the wheel.

Check out her awesome blog here for a recap of day 1 and here for day 2's recap.

Take care of yourself!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

EFT quick summary

At the 2010 T-Tapp retreat we had a great seminar with Lisa and Renee to teach us EFT.

I had heard about this before and I did it about two years ago to help me deal with a difficult situation I was having then I kind of forgot to use it after that.

This is great for people dealing with emotional issues and even pain. I am going to try this again for periods where I am stressed, emotional or craving something.

They went through the process and gave us a great handout to summarize the technique.

While I don't have a scanned copy of their handout, I found this one that explains what EFT is and it has the sequence. In our seminar we did steps 1, 2 and 3.

Have a read, try it out and let me know what you think.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Is T-Tapp worth it?

Here is an awesome post from Charlotte, an amazing woman and a T-Tapp trainer who has had lots of success with her transformation.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fit and Fabulous and next project

Ok, how many of us start something, get cocky and don't really finish it?

You know, you look good, you get compliments and you start to indulge here and there because you've done such a good job you can splurge a little and relax.

Been there, done that...and I'm tired.

I surpassed my original goal when I started Eat to Live many years ago and I felt great, looked great and it looks like I've relaxed too much to the point that although I know I have more to lose I keep staying stuck.

Well, I'm done!

So I'm putting it out here for all to see. In 30 weeks I will be 40 and I want to finish what I started and clean up the loose ends that are compromising my final stretch.

This past year has been a disaster however I'm ready to forgive myself and move on.

The T-Tapp retreat was my kick start into this next project which was officially supposed to start the day after my 39th birthday but that didn't happen.

No more splurges or indulgences...I know I have to work on some issues and get past them rather than turning to food to dull whatever I'm feeling. I learned about EFT at the retreat and I plan on using that.

Wish me luck and follow along for the ride!