Monday, November 15, 2010

memories of safety harbor hummus

or really you can call this artichoke and spinach hummus

i haven't really eaten much of any spinach and artichoke dips because this became popular after i started eat to live and gave up dairy...most are laden with cheese and icky stuff that makes me cringe so i think i may have taken a little taste of one once but didn't ever think that you could make a hummus with spinach and artichoke

after many years i find myself in safety harbor florida for the t-tapp retreat and my wonderful room-mate and fellow t-tapp trainer jen had stocked the fridge we had by accident with lots of fresh fruit and veggies in addition to an artichoke and spinach hummus

wow...was i amazed at how good it tasted...we ate it with fresh veggies and were actually the envy of some who saw us walk into a meeting with a plate full of cruditees and this awesome hummus.

i left the retreat and knew that i needed to make up my own version with no added oil or added salt...i'm a eat to live groupie or nutritarian...are you surprised?

well i finally got around to it and as promised in my previous post, here is the recipe...

artichoke and spinach hummus

3 cups chick peas, cooked
half a pkg of frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed well
2 gloves of garlic
juice of one lemon
1 14 oz can of artichoke hearts, rinsed and drained
1/4c water to get 'er going

i threw this all into the vitamix and blended until it was pureed. if you prefer it a bit chunky then pureed the chickpeas, garlic,lemon juice and water first then add the artichokes and spinach and blend to the desired consistency

awesome and oh so tasty

i gave my husband a bit to taste and he said i should probably hide it because my older son will be more than willing to help me eat it all up

this is my new favourite hummus


  1. This sounds so yummy. I'll definitely have to try making it soon!


  2. Sounds awesome!
    A couple of easy questions though.
    Is that a 10 oz box of frozen spinach or a larger sized bag? Not sure what is common in Canada?
    And as for artichokes, in a can, are they in vinegar, oil, neither, no?
    I can't wait to try this?!!!
    Thanks, Moon!

  3. thanks!

    it's a frozen 10oz block of spinach and the artichokes are in a can but no vinegar or oil...just canned in something...i can never find plain frozen artichoke hearts here

  4. No Tahini? I want to try this recipe. I was just wondering...

  5. no tahini since i rarely keep it on hand...i'm sure it would be a great addition but i didn't miss it
